NEWS in DK: 'Scientology has punishment camp in Denmark'

From: "Peter Christensen" <>
Subject: NEWS in DK: 'Scientology has punishment camp in Denmark'!
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 11:01:36 +0100
Message-ID: <88r2mg$ms8$>

[From the article series in the major danish newspaper 'Jyllands Posten' on the crimes of the 'Scientology' cult. The index page, in danish, is now counting 15 very critical articles: Some of the pages require a membership of the Internet version of this excellent newspaper. -A free 30 days membership is available here:] Scientology has punishment camp in Denmark [Short resume in english] ''Scientology-afhoppere sammenligner bevægelsens europæiske hovedkvarter i København med Sovjetunionens straffelejre, som med hårdt arbejde, indespærring og konstant overvågning gjorde mennesker til levende vrag. '' Former members of Scientology are comparing the sects European Headquarter [AOSH-EU] in Copenhagen with the punishment camps in the old Sovjet. Where hard work, imprisonment and constant supervision made people into 'living wrecks'.

People also wonder, why the Danish government doesn't do anything about this problem at all!

[So does the translator! IMHO is it very bad for Denmarks reputation, that we have this going on here in Copenhagen! From my own short period in Scientology in DK, I know personally that Scientology consider Denmark 'the most safe country in Europe', when it concerns investigations. -But, I will not try to make any conclutions about what this means here. I will just give the keyword: '(T)-sphere'.] Behind the critics are former French members of Scientology, who have now left the cult.

At the moment are approximately 700 Scientologists from foreign countries in Scientologys danish headquarter for Europe and Africa. [Translator. AOSH-EU: Advanced Organisation Saint Hill for EU and Africa.] PC

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