HOMOSEXUALITY AND HUBBARD. From: michael pattinson (karethian@aol.com) Subject: Reposted classics 63: HOMOSEXUALITY AND HUBBARD. Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format Date: 2001-08-03 22:50:21 PST From: Martin G. V. Hunt (av282@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) Subject: LRH on Homosexuals was: Re: Gay people are unfair.. Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Date: 1996/02/25 William Barwell (wbarwell@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM) writes: > > There is homosexuality observed in the animal kindom. > It is not at all an uncommon phenomenon. > If you did not know that, you should maybe be quiet about such subjects > till you have studied this enough to know more about it before you post. Well, what does this have to do with Scientology? Here's a post from Joe Harrington linking the two subjects. From: harrington_j-smtc@nova.novanet.org Subject: L. Ron Hubbard - On Homosexuals Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 12:41:50 -0400 * harrington j / smtc / nova 8/10/94 12:34 pm EDT * LRH's view of homosexuality were expressed in SCIENCE SURVIVAL, circa 1953. Hubbard considered homosexuals low-toned and abberant. Many of the early Senior staff members at St. Hill in Sussex, England were homosexuals or lesbians. Hubbard had a fascination with staff members personal sex lifes and designed special "Security" check lists which required detailed answers to ones personal sexual practices. The contents of the session disclosures were kept in file for use in the event the person later left staff. It is a Scientology maxim that anyone who leaves staff before their contract is up has secret transgressions against the group and the session disclosures are used to prove that point. Sea Org recruits are required to fill out extensive "Personnel History Statements" which include a lengthy section which requires the most intimate details of the applicant's personal sexual history, who, what, when, where, why, how many, etc. Hubbard never offered an explanation for the origin of homosexuality, he simply considered it "out-ethics". Perhaps the most noteworthy victim of Hubbard's bigotry was John McMasters. John was one the the first St. Hill Special Briefing Course students and was held in high esteem for his impeccable auditing skills. He was the first person to complete the Clearing Course after the patterns of the bank and the GPM's were written up by Hubbard. I had the opportunity to meet with John when he was at the DC Org in 1969, while on a world tour. John's compassion filled the auditorium while he delivered a brillant lecture on the purpose of ETHICS and personal responsibility. His most memorable remarks were "Never accept the charge you have WITHOLDS when you are protesting an outness". John was a early member of the Sea Org and was verbal in his protest of Hubbard's heavy use of drugs and Hubbard's mishandling of the "Commodore's" flotilla of rusty scows. Several weeks after I met John he was excommunicated at Hubbard's behest. The Condition Order read "John McMasters is assigned a condition of Treason for rendering himself liable to blackmail by reason of his homosexual activities." His certs and awards were cancelled and he was declared a SUPPRESSIVE PERSON. Hubbard reasoned that perhaps one of his many imaginary enemies would blackmail John, obtain the "CONFIDENTIAL" materials and enslave the world. While Hubbard proclaimed himself the Modern day Master of Ethics Technology, he never saw reason to apply the technology to his own life. Nor would those around him apply it to him. Over the years, many dedicated homosexual staff members left or were "declared" rather then undergo the ordeal of Hubbard's "sec checking" of their sexual habits. As Scientology is, not a SCIENCE, but a dogmatic RELIGION that expresses the infallable opinions of one man, the true nature of homosexuality was never established. I audited many homosexuals and found them to be individuals of high integrity and intelligence with great skills in the areas of Art, Music, and and drama. While Hubbard considered homosexuals "security risks", they were never refused service, provided they had the cold cash. The roots of modern day intolerance of homosexuality can be traced to the dogmatic mandates of the despotic "God" of the Old Testament, Jehovah, who, like Hubbard, declared homosexuals abberated. In the 1930s, Hubbard reportedly contacted a veneral disease from a prostitute and later became impotent. (see L. Ron Hubbard, Mad-Man or Messiah?" by Bent Corydon In the early 1980's Hubbard issued a technical bulletin and announced his "upper level research" disclosed that ALL sexual sensation was a result of whole track "implants" by the forerunners of modern psychiatry, and thus an abberation. Sea Org members lead somewhat puritanical lifes and while I was in the Sea Org I reviewed many PC folders of staff which contained voluminous records of sexual THOUGHTS that they self-listed as "2D Overts & Witholds". Throughout the history of Mankind, under the banner of Religion, people have pursued the promise of Spiritual Freedom, only to find the price to be their own Freedom. All religions were founded by individuals considered by the followers as God-like. Scientology is no acception. Hubbard's greatest contribution was his prolific writing ability in RESTATING stating earlier discoveries in the area of spiritual nature. He made few actual "discoveries" and liberally borrowed from the earlier writings of others. Intellectual honesty must include the willingness to consider opposing views. Hubbard could not do this and thus Scientology caved in and became a mere cult of blind followers, dragged down by Ron's own personal out-ethics. Ironically, for those individuals who pursued the love of knowledge within the walls of Scientology organizations, and found themselves put out, in the the end they found that Freedom is not to be found within Scientology, or any other "Religion", but only within themselves. Hubbard stated "it is not possible to criticize a technology unless the critic himself is acquainted with it and can apply the technology he is passing judgement on". Having devoted 28 years to the study and application of the technology I feel well qualified. Freedom OF Religion must include Freedom FROM Religion. The most famous recent convert to Scientology, Michael Jackson will undoubtedly undergo extensive "security checking" regarding the allegations of child molestation and the out-of-court settlement he reached with one juvenile accuser. Any actual improper acts of sex with children will be culled from the session worksheets and will be used to discredit him if in the future he becomes disenchanted with Scientology or tries to publically speak out against it. The new contract the Church uses effectively makes them immune from civil actions former Church members may attempt to pursue. Freedom in the Church requires a surrender of ones own Freedom and the relinquishment of ones civil rights in the Court. Joe Harrington United Free Zone Alliance Internet: Harrington_j-smtc@nova.novanet.org -- Cogito, ergo sum. GOVERNING POLICY of Scientology: A. MAKE MONEY [...] J. MAKE MONEY. K. MAKE MORE MONEY. L. MAKE OTHER PEOPLE PRODUCE SO AS TO MAKE MONEY. -L. Ron Hubbard in HCOPL March 9, 1972. A brief note, in 2005: Last night on MrKABC interviewed the supposed "President of Scientology" (Which I'm still waiting to hear if she really is, or not), Chel Stith, who spoke with a gay man who came on, going on about how Scientology has nothing against gays. Are you kidding? Read Science of Survival where Hubbard says in his own words: "Homosexuals are 1.1---meaning covertly hostile, the most insidious tone level of all". I found Scientologists in general (not all, but most) to be the most homophobic people I'd ever known. Hubbard's own son was gay, and killed himself. Does that tell ya anything? Keep reading! Best :) Tory/Magoo~ Curt West - Webmaster -- Tory/Magoo~Dancing in the moonlight~ In Scientology for 30 years, out happily for 5 years! For thinking and speaking my mind, I am: Declared SP and Expelled from C of S (Woo hoo!) (SP 6 ^ with Cumulative Cluster) Free at LAST! For more information about this, please see: http://www.xenu.net http://www.xenutv.com http://www.torymagoo.org http://www.lermanet.com/cos/toryonosa.htm http://www.altreligionscientology.org magoo44@charter.net "Those that give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin Burbank, CA (818) 841-3632