Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: RI-225i The Anti-rel 1/2 Message-ID: <> Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35 Distribution: world Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 15:23:46 -0700 Lines: 178 (Michael Reuss) > Koos-koos Moolst Trendy ( wrote: > I asked L. Ron Hubbard, > with whom I claim to be, since 17 June 1994, > in telepathic communication, > more details about Dennis Erlich. Kid: >Tee hee! I'm in telepathic communication with Xenu, and he told me you're a >fruitcake. Koooster: >LRH on 3 July 1995, 8:59 GMT >"Dennis Erlich is a little evil 'natterer', > a suppressive individual, > who has made Internet a platform > for his 'natter'. [natter = negative chatter] > >Koos, you're a goofson [goofson = goofy person] > >"He is using > the 'banks' [the reactive, non-analytical part of the mind] > of people > to push them further into their 'bank'. > >Whereas the clams merely push into the 'bank accounts' of their recruits. > >"Dennis Erlich has been betraying ALL people on the Internet. > He has not told ANYONE why > he [ACTUALLY] 'blew' from [irrationally left] Scientology. > He hasn't told ANYONE which > Suppressive Person he doesn't want to be responsible for." > >I think Dennis has explained this fairly well. Time to repost, Dennis? The story of my departure? At the 1981 First Ever Flag Mission Holder's Meeting called by Bill Franks, newly appointed Exectutive Director International (for life) by Tubbard, I assisted in an attempted (but aborted) reform of the barbaric practices I'd witnessed in the cult. There is a tape of my plea for compassion floating around. The whole meeting was videotaped. The long and short of the meeting was that the long time scieno Mission Holders (franchise holders, really) demanded to know who was this new Watchdog Committee running our church, who was David Miscavige and by what authority was he ordering everybody around. They demanded the poodle show up with his minions and explain themselves. The meeting went on for days, waiting for the little man to come. Finally he stormed in with his uniformed thugs, disbanded the meeting, kidnapped Bill Franks, took him to Hemet under guard and imprisoned him for weeks (months?). Bill had to escape.