More homophobiblical bigotry and lies.



The following is copied from the fundanazi American Family Association's


* Psychiatry falters, America sleeps


  By Charles W. Socarides, M.D. (originally published in The Washington Times)

The author is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center in New York. He is president of the
National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality.

  A significant portion of society today holds the belief 
that homosexuality is
a normal form of sexual behavior different from, but equal to, that of
heterosexuality. Many religious leaders, public officials, educators, social
and mental health agencies - including those at the highest level of
government, departments of psychiatry and psychology, and 
mental health clinics
- have been taken in by a wide spread sexual egalitarianism and by accusations
of being undemocratic or prejudiced if they do not accept certain assertions
that are thrust upon them, as if they were deprived of all intellectual
capacity to judge and reason.

  This revolutionary change in our sexual mores and customs 
has been ushered in
by a single act of considerable consequence: The removal of homosexuality from
the category of aberrancy by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973. It
is, furthermore, a fateful consequence of our disregard for established
psychoanalytic knowledge of human sexual behavior.

  This act was naively perceived by many psychiatrists as the "simple"
elimination of a scientific diagnosis in order to correct injustices. In
reality, it created injustices for the homosexual and his family, as it belied
the truth and prevented the homosexual from seeking and receiving help. At the
social, group, and community level, it proved to be the opening phase of a
two-phase sexual radicalizatioin; the second phase being the raising of
homosexuality to the level of an alternative lifestyle - an acceptable
psychosexual institution - alongside heterosexuality as a prevailing norm of
behavior. The motivating force behind this movement was the 
wish to protect the
homosexual against injustices and persecution. This could have been
legitimately effected by the demand for equal rights for the homosexual, a
demand arising from the humanitarian philosophy so deeply embedded in our
humanistic science. Instead, the false step of removing homosexuality from our
manual was substituted.

  This amounted to a full approval of homosexuality and an encouragement to
aberrancy by those who should have known better, both in the scientific sense
and in the sense of the social consequences of such removal. To many American
psychiatrists, this action remains a chilling reminder that if scientific
principles are not fought for they can be lost - a disillusioning warning that
unless we make no exceptions to science, we are subject to the snares of
political factionalism and to the propagation of untruths to an unsuspecting
and uninformed public, to the rest of the medical profession, and to the
behavioral sciences.

  The devastating clinical fallout from this decision was yet to follow. Those
who would prefer to retain homosexuality as a valid diagnosis have been
essentially silenced in lectures, meetings, and publications; a silencing that
originates both within our association and from other sources as well.
Political parties and religious leaders have been utilized to reinforce this
silence. The press has been influenced in addition to the electronic media.
Television and movies promote homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle and
censor movies that might show homosexuality as a disorder. Homosexual sex
educatioin has entered our schools and colleges; pro-gay 
activists - homosexual
or otherwise - portray their way of life as normal and as "American as apple
pie," while intimidating those with different views. In essence, this movement
has accomplished what every other society, with rare exceptions, would have
trembled to tamper with: a revision of the basic code and concept of life and
biology, that men and women normally mate with those of the opposite sex and
not with each other.

  This psychiatric nonsense and social recklessness bring with it many
individual tragedies, as men and women who no longer appreciate their own
appropriate sexual roles create confusion in the very young for generations to
come. Gender identity disturbance is bound to increase, and more true
homosexual deviations result as parents distort the maleness or femaleness of
their infants and children.

  Currently, homosexuals who are in therapy have developed tremendous
resistance, which retards their progress, while others are disuaded even from
seeking appropriate help. Other medical specialists, such as pediatricians and
internists, are baffled by psychiatry's folly. Residents in psychiatry have
very little interst in going into an area of psychiatric research where they
will be attacked, belittled, demeaned, and where their knowledge of sexual
development will cease to grow. Above all, however, it is the indiviual
homosexual wishing to change who suffers the most.

Young men and women with relatively minor sexual fears are led with
equanimity by some psychiatrists and non-medical counselors into a self-
despising pattern and lifestyle. Adolescents, nearly all of whom experience
some degree of uncertainty as to sexual identity, are 
discouraged from assuming
that one form of gender identity is preferable to another. Those persons who
already have a homosexual problem are discouraged from 
finding their way out of
self-destructive fantasy - discouraged from learning to accept themselves as
male or female, discouraged from following those often painful but necessary
courses that allow people to function as reasonable and participating
individuals in a co-operating society.

  After all, homosexuality cannot create a society or keep one going for very
long. It operates against the cohesive elements of society. The sexes are
driven in opposite directions, and no society can long endure when either the
child is neglected or the sexes war with each other. Those who reinforce the
disintegrating elements in our society will get no thanks from future

  Individuals who adamantly insist that homosexuality is an alternative
lifestyle have not been stopped by appeals to tradition, englightened self-
interest, or even the established findings of psychoanalysis. Threats about
what would happen to society do not have much effect - no 
one considers himself
society's guardian. Average citizens say they don't quite know what these
social interests are, and after all, aren't personal decisions about sex a
private matter? The answer to that question, contrary to popular opinion, is

  Psychoanalysis reveals that sexual behavior is not an arbitrary set of rules
set down by no-one-knows-who, for purposes which no one 
understands. Our sexual
patterns are a product of our biological past, a result of humanity's
collective experience in its long biological and social development. They make
possible the cooperative coexistence of human beings with one another. At the
individual level, these patterns create a balance between 
the demands of sexual
instinct and the external realities surrounding each of us. Not all cultures
survive - the majority have not - and anthro-pologists tell us that serious
flaws in sexual codes and institutions have undoubtedly played a significant
role in many a culture's demise. When masses of people think similarly about
long-standing customs, their collective behavior will, in the last analysis,
have a profound impact on the whole of society.

  Scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, political leaders, public
officials, and others with vested interests, ransack literature for bits of
fact and theory that can be pieced together into a pro-homosexual or bisexual
concept of nature, humanity, and society. Some individuals 
say that homosexuals
are healthy, society is sick, and that science should cure society. Others
raise false or outdated scientific issues to do battle with 
traditional values.

Many of our values could use some change, but polemical pseudoscience and
genetics without corroboration is not the way. No society has accepted
preferential homosexuality. Nowhere is homosexuality, or so-called
"bisexuality," a desired end in itself. Nowhere do parents say, "It's all the
same to me if my child is heterosexual or homosexual." Nowhere are homosexuals
more than a small minority at the present time. Nowhere does homosexuality per
se place one in an enviable position.

  Some pro-homosexual proponents within the behavioral sciences state that
mental illness is simply a product of social definition, and that sexual
behavior considered normal in one society may be deviant in another.
Examination of the facts shows that this is not true of all illness and all
behavior. Some behaviors are universally deviant and every society considers
them destructive. Incest, rape, and psychopathic (apparently unmotivated)
violence are considered taboo in all societies. So is predominant or exclusive
homosexuality or even bisexuality. While homosexuals can and should be
protected by all the laws of society, homosexuality should not be encouraged.

  The forces allied against heterosexuality are formidable and unrelenting.
Charges of being "undemocratic," "cruel and inhuman," or "irresponsible,
homophobic, and prejudiced," are leveled at those who would question the
normality of homosexuality. These accusations are then reinforced by the media
and motion pictures, and render the ordinary citizen who disapproves of such
practices (as well as faint-hearted members of the psychiatric and
psychological professions) mute before their onslaught.

  The counteraction for such forces is the knowledge that heterosexuality has
self-evident, adaptive value. Man is not only a sexual animal, but a care-
bonding, group-bonding, and child-rearing animal. The male-female design is
taught to the child from birth and culturally ingrained through the marital
order. The male-female design is thus perpetually maintained and it is only
overwhelming fear or man's false pride and misdirected individual enterprise
that can disturb or divert it.

  All of this is enough "to make the angels weep." I borrow 
the phrase from one
of William Shakespeare's bitter comedies, "Measure For Measure." One of my
patients brought the quote to my attention some time ago, as he himself mused
about his condition. (He is a homosexual and a 
distinguished scholar, but he is
learning about the dynamic forces behind his homosexuality and how to gain
control of them.) Here's the entire quote:

  But man, proud man
  Dress'd in a little brief authority,
  Most ignorant of what he's
  most assur'd,
  His glassy essence like an angry ape
  Plays such fantastic tricks before high
  As makes the angels weep.

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Of all the lies lied in the name of that damn Babble-god.....   :-(

                             slack -- s.