Goes God Create "Good?"

From: Owen Fauvel
To: Ian Wilson & Tenna Draper

IW> Ignorance? Believing in the Bible is no excuse.
IW> And if I were to jumble the net's with all the facts,
IW> I would have to waste valuble money on petty garbage
IW> most have already seen for what it is. There is enough
IW> evidence in the Bible to condem the Bible. Christians
IW> are a minority. Maybe there is hope yet.

Hello Ian and Tenna, can I join the argument? May I quote Epicurus who lived about 300 B.C.:-

"Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot, or he can but does not want to, or he cannot and does not want to.

If he wants to but cannot, he is impotent.

If he can but does not want to, he is wicked.

If he neither can nor wants to, he is both powerless and wicked.

If God cannot abolish evil, why trust him to create Good?

Celsus, who lived during the second century wrote "The True Doctrine" and one extract reads as follows:

"The God of the Jews gave them laws by Moses that they were to become rich and powerful and to rule the earth, and to massacre their enemies, children and all, and slaughter their entire race, which God himself did, so Moses says, before the eyes of the Jews. And God expressly threatened the Jews that, if they were not obedient, he would do to them what he had done to their enemies. Yet his son,the man of Nazareth, gives contradictory laws, saying that a man cannot come forward to the Father if he is rich or loves power or lays claim to any intelligence or reputation, and that he must not pay attention to food or to his storehouse any more than the ravens, or to clothing any more than the lilies, and that to a man who has struck him once, he should offer himself to be struck once again. Who is wrong? Moses or Jesus? Or when the Father sent Jesus had he forgotten what commands he gave to Moses? Or did he condemn his own laws and change his mind, and send his messenger for quite the opposite purpose?"